RMH@Work Corporate Index FAQs

This resource is for companies that have been invited to participate in the RMH@Work Corporate Index.

If you are interested taking the RMH Compass Survey, view our Tips Page for companies not participating in the index.


As we launch the inaugural RMH@Work Corporate Index, we’ve assembled questions from participants and shared our responses below.  Be sure to check back as this FAQ will continue to grow with new questions.  

Why should we participate?

Your participation in the RMH Compass Survey ensures that your company’s rating accurately reflects its full range of reproductive and maternal health benefits offerings, and guarantees access to tailored reports and resources to compare your performance against other companies and make strategic improvements where opportunities exist. 

Data shows that:

  • Comprehensive reproductive and maternal health benefits offerings give employers a competitive advantage in employee acquisition, retention and satisfaction

  • An increasing percentage of workers – particularly younger talent – strongly prefer to work for a company that will protect their reproductive health care access

  • In many workplaces, there is a lack of understanding and transparency about these benefits that hurts both employers and employees

Participants in the RMH@Work Corporate Index will receive: 

  • Public recognition for providing competitive RMH benefits

  • A preliminary score for your company’s overall performance

  • A benchmark report showing your company’s performance relative to other participants

  • Access to the RMH Compass Resource Hub that includes additional information and company case studies

  • The opportunity to meet with RMH Compass to review your performance and discuss ways to improve

  • A badge that recognizes your company as an RMH@Work leader, which can be used on websites and social media pages, highlighted in job postings, and more.

What information about my company’s performance will be made publicly available?

All companies that complete the survey will be listed as participants, and top-performing companies will be highlighted.  In this inaugural year, company scores will not be publicly disclosed.  

For top-performing companies, the RMH Compass team will identify the policies and practices that have elevated the company’s overall performance and request to highlight them in company profiles and press materials. This will only be done with the express approval of the companies.

How do I know that my company’s data will be kept safe?

We take the safety, security and confidentiality of all companies’ data very seriously. Any identifiable data that companies provide is kept confidential and not sold or shared by RMH Compass.  Survey data is made anonymous and aggregated for benchmarking purposes.  Any performance data that is featured for top-performing companies will be approved by those companies before the information is made public.  Read more about our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

What if my company does not do as well as we’d hoped on the survey?

The objective of the RMH@Work Corporate Index is to advance the conversation around reproductive & maternal health benefits in a positive-impact way.  To that end, we will celebrate all companies that participate in the RMH@Work Corporate Index (we do not believe that “naming and shaming” companies is a productive way to engage).  Participation demonstrates a company's interest in benchmarking their benefits performance and commitment to providing high-quality RMH benefits.

Specifically, none of the underlying data that companies share through their survey responses will be disclosed, nor will scores or details on performance of specific companies be disclosed.  Company names will be included in the RMH@Work Corporate index list and top-performing companies will be highlighted.  The exact threshold for being a "top-performing company" will be determined once we have validated all participating company data and can set the benchmark.  

If a company is interested in having us highlight specific benefits (ie - a particularly innovative doula program benefit or a well-written paid family leave policy), we will highlight those aspects with their consent.

What is the survey format and structure?

There are 54 weighted questions in the RMH Compass Survey.  More about the survey framework and scoring methodology can be found on the Resources section of our website.

How long does it take to complete the RMH Compass Survey?

As the RMH@Work Corporate Index requires gathering documents to validate the information, we can’t provide an exact estimate of the time it will take to complete the Survey.  Companies that have taken the RMH Compass Survey without the document validation process find it takes about an hour to complete.  That timeframe will likely increase for larger companies, for whom a complete set of responses may involve internal coordination and require input from colleagues.

What if I do not know the responses to questions in the RMH Compass Survey?

Some of the topics may require reaching out to colleagues in other parts of your company.  We have found that the following roles/titles are typically able to assist with the non-HR/Benefits sections:

  • Shiftwork Topic – People Manager of shiftwork practices

  • Data protection/privacy Topic – IT/Technical Support that sets corporate data management policies

  • Corporate Political Giving Topic – Government Relations or General Counsel

The best way to coordinate the collection of survey responses and documents for validation is through the RMH Compass Survey for RMH@Work Corporate Index Worksheet.  Be sure to enable Macros when you open this document to ensure that you can use the full functionality of this resource.

What if I want to leave questions blank?

For the inaugural RMH@Work Corporate Index, companies can leave up to 3 questions blank and we will consider these surveys to be complete. Blank questions will garner a zero for weighted questions so skipping questions will result in a lower overall survey score. These companies will be included in the RMH@Work Corporate Index participant list for 2024.

  • What if I can’t complete the survey in one sitting?

Make sure to click “Save for Later” at the bottom of the page before exiting out of the Survey.  This way, you’ll get an email with a unique link that will take you back to where you left off and save your responses to this point.  If you’re having trouble accessing the survey or your data, email support@RMHCompass.org for help.

What happens after I complete the RMH Compass Survey?

Once you submit your survey, the RMH Compass team will begin the document validation process.  One of our team members will be assigned as a relationship manager to work with your organization’s data and documents.  They’ll reach out with any questions or clarifications during their review.  Before your score is finalized, your relationship manager will schedule a final review call to ensure alignment on all data and answer any questions.

Once your score is finalized, you’ll receive your benchmark report and our team can schedule a performance and data insights call if preferred.  You will receive a toolkit with materials that can be used to promote your organization’s participation in the RMH@Work Corporate Index prior to the index launch in mid-September.

What is the cost to participate?

Thanks to the support of our philanthropic funders, there is NO COST TO PARTICIPATE for the 100 largest U.S. employers. Validation, benchmark reports and promotion in the RMH@Work Corporate Index List are all provided at no charge.

How do I calculate a response for the Living Wage questions when I have workers in many counties across the United States?

To respond to RMH Compass Survey’s living wage questions, you need to identify the lowest-paid worker on your payroll. If there is one employee at that lowest wage, you will complete the steps below for that single employee. If multiple employees are paid the same lowest wage, and if those employees work in different locations, you will have to calculate living wage for each location.

We’ve created a worksheet to help guide through this process.  The first step is to identify the hourly wage rate of the lowest paid worker at your company; the rate can include salary/wage plus any guaranteed bonuses.  Record that rate in cell 2C.  Next, identify all the worksite locations (not home address) by State and County where workers are paid at that rate.  Record those locations in the respective fields for State (col C) and County (col D). 

Use MIT’s Living Wage Calculator to find county-level living wage estimates.  We recommend starting your search with locations that you know to be more expensive, since the living wage estimates tend to be higher.  From the home page, click into the State, then County, to see a table of estimates.  Compare the hourly rate in the first row (“Living Wage”) and first column (1 Adult, 0 Children) to the hourly wage rate recorded in cell 2C.  If MIT’s living wage estimate is greater than the wage in 2C, then answer “No” to all three living wage questions.  Otherwise, repeat these steps for each county in the worksheet.  If all county-level estimates (for 1 Adult, 0 Children) are less than the wage in 2C, then answer “Yes” to the first living wage question.

Repeat this process for the second question using the estimates for 2 working adults and 2 children (first row, 11th column in MIT's table), as well as the third question using the estimates for 1 working adult and 2 children (first row, 7th column in MIT's table).  If you answer “No” to the second question, then answer “No” to the third question as well. Only answer "Yes" if the wage in 2C exceeds all county-level estimates where workers paid that wage are located.

Have a question? Message us and we’ll get it answered.


RMH@Work Corporate Index Tip Sheet


Tips for Taking the RMH Compass Survey